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ED418 The Family and Social Dynamics

Explores the cultural, social, and political structures that shape, change, and maintain “family,” addressing questions central to the study of family and families: What do we mean when we say family? Why is kinship always the center of human society? What are the roles of family policies in shaping family practices? To address these questions, we draw on personal histories, different theoretical perspectives, empirical research, current events, and public policy issues. Examines proximal processes and strategies of “doing family” and the distal arrangements and multiple contexts shaping these practices, bringing attention to how the family interacts with educational, governmental, community, faith-based, and other organizational groups constructed to “support” families. Explores research methodologies and methods emerging from different theories and their strengths and limitations, and studies family issues and policies, examining how they take shape, and how they shape families.

Credits: 3
Offered: Spring
Offered Online: No terms identified
Modes: In-Person
Prerequisites: None
Restrictions: None
ED 418 The Family and Social Dynamics course information is subject to change, please check the latest schedule.


Spring 2025 (1/21/2025 - 5/11/2025)
Open (9/25) 36%
Lechase Room 163
Wednesday (4:50 PM-7:30 PM)
Kyla Chang
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